Braxton isn't going anywhere again this change. He said this is the fourth change with the same companion and area which just never happens. In fact he hasn't ever heard of it in his mission. He's excited though. Braxton really likes his comp, Elder Flores.
Braxton continues to learn a lot all the time. He said his favorite subject right now is repentance. It is just amazing! He has found that if he can teach the principle of repentance well people have an easier time with commitment. Because "a commitment is obligating YOURSELF to do something and if people understand repentance they really do obligate themselves to change and no one has to force them." "It is really neat." Braxton admitted to not paying attention in his English classes and so he has a hard time explaining things the way he'd like.
"I love, love, love the mission! It is the Best Thing to happen to me. Well after the Atonement, and family. But yeah it has been wonderful and keeps being wonderful to me each day."

Braxton is teaching Cecilia and if everything goes well, she will be bapitzed on Sunday. She needs to go to Church though before she can get baptized. Cecilia is progressing very well and understands all that the missionaries are teaching her. Braxton is praying for everything to go well.
On Monday (p-day) the missionaries went to Tenancingo with the zone to go fishing. But, the place was closed so they couldn't. Then they went to the pyramids and they were closed too. (bad luck still happens to the missionaries) The pyramids were on the other side of their zone which is the biggest zone in their mission. So, they traveled all day and didn't get to do anything. Braxton at least took some pictures of cows

Braxton also had a little decussion with an Elder King (from Bountiful, UT) about Pirates and Ninja's and which one was better. Elder King thinks pirates are better and Braxton doesn't agree at all. They took pictures to prove it. (if that really proves anything....it looks like they had fun though at least) Braxton is the pirate in one picture. The other ninja's are Braxton.

(I love the wooden leg. :D)

"Last but not least, and yes worse of all.....I picked my shoe up to put it on and a wolf spider came flying out of it. If you know Elder Ropelato at all, you know he HATES spiders, but likes wolves. Anyway the spider in dead and I am happy now."
Braxton again mentions that the mission is the greatest gift that he has been blessed with. He loves teaching the restoration of the Gospel. He is seeing miracles constantly and it is clear to him that God is behind the work and that "the Gospel it TRUE! The Book of Mormon is TRUE! There is a living Prophet today. Prayer is real. God and Jesus Christ love us!"
Brax loves all of us....grandma's, grandpa's, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, sister in law, nieces, nephew, friends, neighbors, cousing, aunts, uncles.....farm and tractors too. He ends with..."take care everyone and know that Elder Ropelato loves you and that he is a representative of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am constantly praying for each of you and ask for your prayers as well to give me and extra boost to this great and marvelous work."
PS from Braxton's comp....les amo y se cuiden mucho y que orara por todos ustedes
(translation-I love you (them) and take care and I will pray for you all)