I didn't even know that Braxton talked in his sleep, but I guess he does and it's in Spanish now. His comp caught him a few times this week. I guess he's got the language down now if he's dreaming in Spanish.
Braxton convinced a 14 year old girl that his watch was in English and their clocks are in Spanish. After convincing her that, they really had a hard time making her believe that time was universal. He said it took like 20 minutes for her to really believe that. Braxton and her family laughed so hard. (kind of reminds me of some people I know-maybe even related too)
Saturday Emma Luna was baptized. She is 79 years old and everything went well.

Braxton is still working with Jaun Alvarez. Jaun's baptism is set for May 2. (Juan's birthday) Juan is trying to quit smoking. He is doing good and has cut down a lot. Braxton believes he will be ready. The work is going good.
Braxton is feeling good about more success in the weeks to come. He got a new Comp this change. His new comp is Elder Salazar and Braxton will actually meet him today, March 24. So, I guess that means that Braxton is staying in his area a bit longer. (I think that is fine with him, he hasn't said otherwise.)

Braxton makes us Smile :)
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