Braxton will be serving in the Mexico, Mexico City West Mission for the next two years. He is excited to serve his Lord. He knows the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the True Church on the earth. He knows our Savior lives and loves each of us unconditionally.
1 comment:
I stubled on this blog while searching for info on Atlatlauca. I taught in Atla almost 20 years ago. It was the Mexico City South Mission at the time. My area was Metepec there were no full time missionaries in Atla and no chapel, the plot of land where the chapel is was there and staked out for construction. I love my mission and in the 20 years since I was in Mexico not a day goes by that I don't remember something about it. I see you are about to come home. Good luck and eat a taco for los ex-missionaros
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