"Well recently I have been reflecting on these best two years, and honestly I really do just LOVE missionary work. I love the people here and whenever I talk in Church I look out across everyone and just smile. I truly am blown away by what can happen to ones understanding in two years. I know I have a long way to go in life but I couldn't be happier with where I am right not. Each passing day is harder and harder. I really don't want to to quit being a real life missionary. Even right now with a full two weeks left my eyes (as Kev would say) are sweating just thinking about going home. Don't get me wrong....you don't know how excited I am to see everyone again, but in all honesty.....I'm not excited to finish. I know the Lord will take me by the hand and guide me something better."
"This week things just pulled together and we should be having like six more baptisms before I go home. God once again has blessed us with finding people who truly want to repent and progress. It's strange that I continue to grow as I did at the start of my mission. Right now really is one of the most rewarding times in my mission. It is absolutely wonderful!"
"Yesterday I went to the center of Mexico City of the first time and I'm ashamed to say it but......I enjoyed the city. There are some really neat things there. Maybe someday I will be able to bring you (mom) and dad to show you how it is."
"You will never know how much I love all of you. The Church really is true and the only way we can receive a fullness of the blessings of the Lord. I sat here for a few minutes trying to remember how to say something but for the life of me I can't remember so anyway....esfuersense to live the gospel and hechele ganas en todo." (ask Kev, Daniel or Ivy for a translation)
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