11:00 rolled around when church should be starting and the only ones there were the Branch President and the two missionaries. The Branch President told the missionaries that they had better prepare some talks. At 11:15 there still wasn't anyone else there so they just started with the three of them. They took the sacrament and started giving their talks. Braxton's comp spoke first for about 20 minutes and then Braxton took another 30. Just when Braxton was finishing his talk the Branch Secretary came in with an investigator that the missionaries least expected to show up. They continued and then finished that meeting and went on to Gospel Principles class and finished up for the day.
The Branch President said that he had felt like this was going to happen. (no one showing up) but thought that it would have the week before. (Braxton didn't say why) It really hurt Braxton a lot to have that sort of thing happen. (broke his heart) It was really rough on him but he is trying to learn from it and other experiences that are hard. Braxton pleads with us to not ever take the Church for granted. He said "it really is amazing.....sure there are a handful of members that gossip or what not but what a blessing to have everyone else."
Braxton doesn't want us to worry about him though. He knows he is doing his part and that this is just a test. He knows that God will send more miracles at the right time. Braxton knows that his prayers are being heard and that no matter what God is with him. He said that from this experience it also helped him understand a part of his Patriartical Blessing that he hadn't understood before.
Braxton is Thankful for so much! He's thankful for: the plan of salvation and all the tender mercies of the Lord, the organization of the Church, for a living prophet and apostles, the scriptures, prayer, his home ward, and basically everything about the Church. But, what comes first to mind is his wonderful family!
Trichelle-for listening when he wanted to talk and teaching him many of life's lessons.
Justin-for being one of his best friends to go hunting with and goofing around with as well as all the support needed from a big brother.
Kevin-for preparing the way and giving me a righteous example to follow and watching out for him.
Jaydan-for all the little times they would play ball or go to Kaboom and for all the things he has shared with him.
Kimi-for teaching him about how to love and for all her hugs.
Jared-loved playing baseball or basketball with you and for all the love you have shown him.
Mom & Dad-can't even begin to explain all they've done for him.
Gramps (Mutt) is really like a best friend and has taught him a ton about work and selfless service.
Braxton is thankful to everyone in his family for helping him get to where he is today. (this includes Natalie, Joe, Ivy, Mya, and Zaden and all of the grandparents as well) Braxton said "I couldn't have asked for a better family and the more it grows the better it gets. Love you all. I'm so thankful for all our neighbors and all my friends and extended family". The list could go on and on.
Braxton went and visited a place that had a bunch of monarch butterflies. They are in his area and come all the way from Canada and stop there. It is unbelievable how many there are, thousands and thousands of them!