Braxton said he has really learned a lot this week and that is was great. He told us that when he got to the mission that his mission was well know throughout Mexico for being the worst, disobedienat, and less successful mission. But, things have changed and it is basically the best now. Braxton really loves his mission. He said it is amazing to see how much his mission has grown together. He said there is so much unity between the whole mission and they are all together on how and what they teach. Braxton said "it's just super sweet!"
It's starting to rain a little and the missionaries are grateful for that because it cools things down a bit. Braxton said they were talking to a family on Friday that they had baptized a while ago. They were talking about the Book of Mormon and the family was convinced that the Church was true but the mom said she hadn't gotten an answer about Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon. Just a few days earlier they had been working with their District Leader. Braxton said that he has always promised answers but never for a specific day. The District Leader told the missionaries that they had the power to promise answers for the same night that they pray. That really hit Braxton hard and he thought a lot about it. Anyway, so when he was talking to that lady he promised her that she would get an answer that night. It happened and Braxton said it was really cool. Until that promise was made she hadn't gotten an answer but after it was made she did. This experience helped Braxton understand the power of his calling even more.
They had another baptism (I think on Sunday) and they didn't have very much water for the baptism. So, they did they baptism on their knees and the kid that was getting baptized had to lay completely flat on the floor to be completely under the water. It was a neat experience. He was the last of his family to make the decision to be baptized. Now they just need to do the temple work for the dad. Braxton just loves watching the gospel bless families!
Sad but true...."so yesterday I saw a few people living in old abandoned cars which was really sad, here in the city just isn't the best place to live, in my opinion anyway."
"Being a Missionary Rocks!"
Love, Elder Ropelato