(Oh I found another one with more of the kids. Raife is in the back with the sunglasses)
Braxton will be serving in the Mexico, Mexico City West Mission for the next two years. He is excited to serve his Lord. He knows the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the True Church on the earth. He knows our Savior lives and loves each of us unconditionally.
Elder Ropelato and Elder Hadley (friends before the MTC)
Watching Braxton "grow" in the MTC.
This is a picture of Braxton when he first went in the MTC his suits were a little big (of course this is exaggerated a little)
this is at 3 weeks...his buttons are tight! (ya, kind of)
These next two are at 5 weeks. I think he eats a little more at the MTC than he did at home.
Braxton at the Temple. He does look a bit bigger than when we dropped him off. :)
The hills are alive! (I know what you are thinking)