Braxton has two baptisms today and will leave for those but has to return to the house as soon as they are over. The government has cancelled all religious services, and school, and even the professional soccer games will be played with no spectators. Again he said "know that I'll be okay, and prayers are always appreciated."
As far as missionary work goes they are baptizing an awesome lady and her son. They were golden investigators. They just accepted everything and the second lesson they wanted to be baptized. (love that when that happens)
Oh, and some druggie came up to Braxton and asked him for money, his watch, and his pen. "Why he wanted my pen who knows." Braxton tried giving him money but he wanted more than Braxton gave him. Then he told Braxton to give him is watch and Braxton told him NO because he needed it. The guy again said "give it to me or I'll take it from you." Braxton wouldn't give in so the guy started leaving. But soon after the druggie turned and started chasing Braxton and told him that he would follow him until he gave him what he wanted. Braxton's comp had ran off and got a guy that they had just baptized last week who was working in the tiangis, the street market. He came and told the druggie off and later his son went and found the druggie and told him to leave the missionaries alone. So, all went well and nothing happened. The next day Braxton and his comp saw the same druggie and the guy just said "hi" and left them alone. (missions are exciting!)
A funny and kind of gross story from the Braxter. "So today we go to eat and the food was good. It was a lot, but not more than normal. Anyway, I ate way fast and didn't feel good at all. I went to the bathroom and couldn't drop anything (that's my boy(;) so we said bye and when I walked out the door I threw up a TON. I felt so, so, so good after. It was amazing had bad I felt, then how quick it all changed." (gotta love this kid)
Well that's about all for this week. Braxton says "all is well and I'm doing great!" He is bummed that they won't be able to go out and teach this week. He said it'll be okay though and he's going to try to read the Book of Mormon again.
"Love you all and take care, and don't worry. Doubt is the opposite of faith." "Once again, I love the crap out of all of you." "Talk to you in a few weeks." (hooray for Mothers Day!)