Braxton has been at the Temple this week from like 6:30 in the morning until 9:30 at night. He said the Temple is really cool. He saw a few friends from High School there and some from the MTC. He said the Temple is kind of like the Ogden Temple as far as the lay out goes, it's just square and a lot bigger. And he saw Ivy's grandma who lives in Mexico. She was helping at the Temple too and when Braxton saw her he asked her if she was Daniel's mom. He was so excited, he really was hoping that some time in the two years he would get to see them. This is a picture of them together.
Some crazy things this week, or at least random things:
*He drove a truck in Mexico City, he was doing service and he said it made him feel cool.
*He saw a spider eat a fly.
*They shut the door for the first time at night because it was cold.
*He was asked if he wanted candy, and said "yes" and was given a cough drop.
*A parrot lives at their

house. It's a members and bites Braxton's finger.
Braxton informed me again that Missionaries really do like letters! So if you are reading this feel free to write him. Use the dearelder.com it's free and easy. :)
The people are nice. They were teaching a lady the first lesson and even though she didn't want anything to do with it she gave the missionaries some really good bread and coffee. They told her they didn't drink coffee so she heated them up some milk.
Church goes over time on Fast Sundays. Everyone wants to share their testimonies and so there is always a long line. (how cool)
At a dinner the people had to tell Braxton to eat with his hands. I was so hoping he wouldn't be sent anywhere like that. He loves eating with his hands.
Elder Ropelato is working hard even though the results are slow. He loves being a missionary!