(Elder Ropelato and Moreno)
His foot went through the floor of a taxi. A rug was covering it up so he couldn't tell there wasn't a floor until he stepped down. (conditions are great)
The Elders were assigned to pass out flyer's announcing an open house for a new chapel in the pressa. Braxton said there were like 3 thousand so they were busy. They just started handing them out to everyone. Then the missionaries got on a bus (there were 5 of them). There are people that always get on the bus and sell stuff, they yell to everyone and then walk down the aisles. So, Braxton thought he would try using that technique. He was the only one that isn't fluent in Spanish, but no one else would do it. (only Brax) Braxton walked to the front of the bus and explained about the open house and then passed out the flyer's. He said it was kind of crazy, but fun. Braxton thinks he handed out the most flyer's, because some of the Elders just stood there, but Braxton had fun regardless.

(Man I love that smile!)